• Can contract basis govt medical officer be dismissed

i was appointed as medical officer in a govt hospital of karnataka on contract basis in sept 2007. the appointment order issued to me clearly mentions "job appointed for a maximum duration of 1 year". ..ie till sept 2008. Also i can resign from job by giving 1 months prior notice or by giving 1 months salary in advance.
After 6 months in job, i stopped going to the job due to personal reasons. I didnot resign either. nor i gave notice of resigning.
I dont know what happened to my job after that. since my contract was for only 1 year, after 1 year i stopped bothering about my job. I didnot get any kind of memos from the health dept of karnataka either.
Now, I want to join govt service full time permanent job as medical officer in 2014. But, i noticed that in the job advertisement for full time job, there is a line saying "the applicant should not have been dismissed from govt service before."
My question is can a Contract basis govt job holder be dismissed ?
Am i eligible for this new permanent govt job of medical officer in karnataka health dept ?
How to avoid any kind of legal hassles after getting appointment in full time regular job ?
Asked 10 years ago in Constitutional Law

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2 Answers

Why do you think that you were dismissed?. Did you receive dismissal order from the competent authority? You can join full time govt job on a permanent service and you are eligible and no legal hassles would come in your way of joining permanent govt service. Without calling you for domestic enquiry, unilaterally the Govt can not dismiss you, without giving an opportunity for you to explain the reason for your absence. Hence be happy and join permananent govt service as Medical Officer. Do not rake up your earlier contract employment with the new employer.

Shashidhar S. Sastry
Advocate, Bangalore
5463 Answers
330 Consultations

1) in March 2008 you should have issued one month notice to the govt hospital as per terms and conditions of your contractual appointment

2) since you left job abruptly your services must have been terminated .

3) why dont you make discreet inquires as what happened in the govt hospital after you left them in the lurch in March 2008

4)you should at time of applying for new job not supress any facts .

5) in the event your suppression of facts is discovered disciplinary action would be taken against you .

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
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7901 Consultations

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