whether any cooperative society is formed of flat owners? whether your father made any nomination of the flat ?
you have to make application to the society for transfer of flat in your name .
I am the only son (child) of my parent. My mother died 16 years back. And my father died last year. My father bought a flat in Belgharia. He did not make any will. Being a son I have replaced his name with mine in electric Meyer and municipality mutation record. Is this enough in case I want to sale the property? Or I need to contact the BLRO office and add my name there ?
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whether any cooperative society is formed of flat owners? whether your father made any nomination of the flat ?
you have to make application to the society for transfer of flat in your name .
1. Collect the legal heir certificate for your future convenience,
2. Apply to the Society for transferring the share allotted in the name of your father as member of the society, in your name.
Yes,you can sell the property being a class I legal heirs of Hindu Succession which you inherit after death of your father,before selling the property you can mute your name in the records of BL&LRO if the property is out of the limit of KMC,There is no authority to issue a legal heirs certificate in West Bengal,so for the satisfaction of the purchaser you can declare legal heirs of your father by affirm of an affidavit before the Judicial magistrate.