• Post retirement benefits

sir, my father is a retired employee of "district central co-op bank ltd, odisha". it has been one year and 2 month since his retirement. a departmental proceeding regarding disbursement of loan worth 70000 is pending against him. the loan was given in cash instead of cheque. he has not get the gratuity and leave encashment yet. what option is available with him to recover his retirement benefit.
Asked 10 years ago in Labour

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2 Answers

What happened to that loan? was it paid back or not? See any departmental proceedings against an employee affects his retirement benefit. First you must clear this departmental proceeding, then approach the bank authority.

Rajni Sinha
Advocate, Mumbai
425 Answers
39 Consultations

1. He has to wait for the completion of the departmental enquiry,

2. He will get all his permissible retirement benifits on his coming out clean,

3. He can file a writ petition in the High Court directing the authority to expedite the proceeding and complete within 3 months.

Krishna Kishore Ganguly
Advocate, Kolkata
27533 Answers
726 Consultations

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