• Pending Payment Reg.

I have a client who is not paying my pending payment from 2011. In this connection, I went personally, he said that there is no Purchase Order raised so it is not possible to pay the Amount. but we have received payment for the Invoice without purchase Order then why now they are telling this and even for the Invoice with Purchase Order, they are saying that there is no Sign on the Purchase Order. but till now we have not received even a single sign on any of the purchase order.

On the visit to their place they have insulted me by saying that you should wait for 3 – 4 years more to get the Payment.

kindly tell us some solution and what are the case chargeable on the company for not paying the Pending Payment and for the Insult they made.

Asked 11 years ago in Civil Law

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1 Answer

Was an agreement entered into between you and your client? The background details of the contract, if any, are required to be furnished and the terms read thread bare before an opinion can be formed as to whether you have any legal remedy against this person.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
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