You may have to register it as a society and trust i.e. an ngo with the charity commissioner of your jurisdiction.
Hello, I want to start an online platform for social cause where donors, beneficiaries, volunteers and NGOs can interact with each other. Here, donors will be able to make online payment towards specific programs like education of underprivileged children or medical illness. The online website will retain 10% of funds as operating cost and send remaining funds towards the social cause. This online organization should have the right to generate funds from individual and private companies based in India and abroad. Apart from that, donors should get 100% tax benefit on their donation amount so that they stay motivated to contribute. At present, I am not banking on getting government grants as I have heard it is a tedious process to register an NGO. I would like to know what is the best suitable entity which I should plan to register (trust, society, foundation or NGO or anything else) which will fulfill above requirements. Thank you so much in advance, Saloni
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