• Breach of promise to marry

hi am a 27 years old , i had been sexually involved with a girl of my class in college at that time she said no need to marry it is a living in type of relation ship but as my college is over she started black mailing me to marry her or she will commit suicide, so i had to continue the relation ship for 3 yrs , but in feb 2013 she called me and my family to her house to talk about further plan of action but wen we reached her home she made all arrangements for engagement there was no other option i had to do the formalities , after one month i said strongly that i wil not marry her so now she started blackmailing me to sue me and my family ..in between i loved a girl and married her in december 2013 ..now that girl is showing me torture and blackmailng me that she will file a case against me ,my wife and my family members as well..plz suggest me to get out of this situation as i feel like commiting sucide coz of the torture she is giving me since 5 years ..please help me..
Asked 10 years ago in Criminal Law

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5 Answers

you need to solve this amicably

Rajeev Bari
Advocate, New Delhi
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Your sexual pleasure can land you in jail if that girl start a case u/s 376 IPC, which attract imprisonment not less than 7 years but up to 10 years.So settle that matter with that girl as she was your friend, amicably.

Soumya Kundu
Advocate, Kolkata
86 Answers

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settle and resolve mutually.

S.P. Srivastava
Advocate, New Delhi
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your factual situation is not clear to me. You are saying that you got engaged to your girl friend from the college days however since you did not want to marry her, you got married to another girl you loved. I fail to understand what is the case is your ex girl friend is threatening to file against you. is it rape? If that be so, inter course with the promise to get married is an offence however there are other decisions which says otherwise as wel. please be clear on the facts to get proper advice.

Shaveta Sanghi
Advocate, Chandigarh
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1. If you have been threatened into an engagement, then you should have reported the matter to police immediately. You did not do so,

2. Did you inform your married wife about the existance of your class mate with whom you were engaged s*xually and got ceremoniously engaged also but did not finally marry?

3. If no, then none of the girls know the existance of the other girls when you have been having and have had s*x with both of them,

4. Your happy days may be over shortly & you might have to deprive yourself of s*x for atleast 7 years since there will be no facility for having s*x in jail,

5. Short out the issue amicably with both the girls, since both of them can take you to Court easily.

Krishna Kishore Ganguly
Advocate, Kolkata
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