• What constitutes unauthorized trading by broker

The RelationShip manager told me lies that they have a scheme in which they trade for the client and earn 3-5-10% per month. I believed him and I trusted him. When I complained to the broking house, they say we sent you all the contract notes.The Relationship Manager has his mobiles switched off and he has deleted all his mail ids, the company id not giving his correct contact number and email id also!

So I want to understand what constitutes an unauthorized trading?
Asked 10 years ago in Business Law

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2 Answers

file a complaint in police & also file complaint wrt unfair trade practices under section 12 consumer protection act.

Dhawal Bhandari
Advocate, Chandigarh
15 Answers
3 Consultations

if contract notes had been provided to you did you dispute those transactions . ?

do you have any documentary evidence of guaranteed returns as suggested By RM?

did you lodge complaints in writing?

complain to SEBI against the broking house and RM

issue legal notice and initiate arbitration proceedings against broking house

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97601 Answers
7901 Consultations

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