Section 73 of Consumer Protection Act
Iam Decree holder and My case attained finality as Jdr did not file any appeal.and execution petition was filed before dist consumer court under section 27 of consumer act in 2018.The Jdr raised objection during execution in march 2021and it was dismissed by dist.executing court,and Jdr was ordered to comply the order..The Jdr filed appeal in oct 2021in State Commission under section 73 of consumer protection act.The Act say section 73 is applicable when any order is passed under 72 of consumer act
My question
1)When The Dist.executing court did not dismiss the objection under section 72 of consumer protection act.Nor ordered any arrest or sentenced the Jdr ..can a appeal be admitted under section 73of consumer act 2019?
2)I objected orally and in writing against the appeal in state commission that it is not maintainable as no order was passed under section 72 of consumer protection act.and prayed before the state to dismiss the appeal as the case has attained finality
3)The same State commission had orginally passed the order in 2018 and also did not entertain the objection of Jdr and upheld Dist Executing court order but modified the order without any legal reason which was passed in 2018 ,and relief was given to Jdr for which they did not pray even..
1)Can a appeal be admitted under section 73 even when no order is passed under section 72 of consumer act 2019
2)What should i do ? File Revision Petition in NCDRC,on the ground that state commission was wrong in admitting the appeal and modifying the order? some says order under 73 cannot be appealed is it true?..What is the best legal option?
Will Ncdrc admit my revision petition?or what should i do to get Justice..under which section can i get relief.
Incase NCDRC reject my revision petition ,can i approach Supreme court,under which section?
Asked 2 years ago in Consumer Law