• settelment /compensation of death

Does a out of court settelment/compensation for death of a casual labour during work will save me from any legal proceddings in future
Asked 10 years ago in Labour

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2 Answers

No, if you are the employer. The procedure is to inform the compensation commissioner about his death and submit the compensation amount with the commissioner itself as decided by the Commissioner. There are chances of filing a suit by the relative of the labour even later on. The only thing you can give out of court is interim relief or advance payment and not the whole amount.

Rajni Sinha
Advocate, Mumbai
425 Answers
39 Consultations

1. Get youself cleared with due process of law,

2. Inform the appropriate authories about his death and pay the amount prescribed,

3. Do not go for out of the Court settlement since later on some relative or lagal heir of the worker may take you to Court.

Krishna Kishore Ganguly
Advocate, Kolkata
27533 Answers
726 Consultations

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