its not allowed.
my friend she love a guy.. major problem is girl grand mother and boy grand mother both are own sisters.... tat means girl mother and boy mother cousin... its possible to marry in hindu marraige it accept.. can marry are what... they wanted to marry it is poosible.... to marry leagally wat and all procedure they should follow
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1. This relationship comes under prohibited degree as per Hindu Marriage Act,
2. So, this maiiage will be illegal as per law.
.But as per special marriage act 1954, is it possible? if it is third cousin , is it acceptable?
we have already advised you it is not legal . so forget about marrying your cousin . no shortage of girls of marriageable age in India
Hello chaudhary Sir, Thanks for your reply. May I know in detail about custom & usage? what it means.
Section 5 of the Hindu Marriage Act bans, among other things, marriage between a brother and sister, uncle and niece, aunt and nephew, or children of brother and sister or of two brothers or of two sisters. The marriage is void, unless the custom of the community permits it.
Hello Ajay Sir, Thanks for your advice but they love each other for more than 4-years. So I hope you can understand that how hard it is to forget. If any possibilities there please let me know. Very Sorry if I am wrong. :( :( :(
in your commuinity is their any such custom wherein marriages among cousins is permitted . legally such marriages have been declared to be void if there is no such custom
In our community marrying father's sister's daughter is permitted.. but i didnt heard about marriage among the boy's father's brother' daughter. i want make clear one thing here, boy's father and girl's father were not real brothers.they shares grandpa only, means there are also cousin's of cousin.