• Want to stay with my gf in hotel in Kolkata

I'm a businessman.l've a girlfriend in Kolkata.We want to stay together in hotel at the time of my visit to Kolkata.As she stays in Landis hostel I cann't stay there. Is it legal? Do the hotels allow her with me?
Asked 10 years ago in Constitutional Law

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5 Answers

Why don't you marry her and take her home instead of visiting her now and then? What kind of reply you expect from a lawyer for this notorious act of yours?

Rajni Sinha
Advocate, Mumbai
425 Answers
39 Consultations

1)what is your girl friend age? i do hope she is not a minor . if your girl friend is willing to stay in hotel with you and you check in in the hotel under your respective names there is no problem .

2) i do hope you are not married . if you are married and your wife comes to know about your hotel stay with your girl friend then she will file adultery case against you

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97600 Answers
7900 Consultations

she may also divorce you on grounds of adultery . hence better think twice before checking into a hotel with your girl friend

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97600 Answers
7900 Consultations

Two adult persons can stay anywhere they want.

Morality and legality of an act is different.

And yes do disclose your relationship with your girlfriend and your marital status.

Devajyoti Barman
Advocate, Kolkata
23351 Answers
522 Consultations

most hotels dont permit you to bring call girls , escorts as it gives hotel a bad name . check in hotel with your gf in your real names .do carry your id proof

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97600 Answers
7900 Consultations

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