• Delayed appointment

600 medical officers were absorbed in contractual posts by state govt in 2008. discrepency in the list was found and writ filed. the high court ordered fresh list to be prepared which led to subsequent absorption of 150 more medical officers in year 2014.the court was relaxant enough not to dismiss earlier doctors in case vaccancy was there. the querry is whether the new joinees are entitled to service benefits, arrear benefits, seniority benefits and etc as par those who had joined in 2008. if the 2008 absorbtion on contract was made regular are the 2014 docs also entitled for regular posts. what is the best possible relief for them, and are there any similar references of court orders.
Asked 10 years ago in Labour

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1 Answer

If the High Court has ordered fresh list of 150 doctors against an application challenging the list of 80 doctors, then the ammenities, facilities scheduled for those 80 doctors should be applicable on the freshly listed doctors also.

Krishna Kishore Ganguly
Advocate, Kolkata
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