• Extra payment to full time employees while company downsizes

Good Morning,
The indigenous Indian company I am working with has downsizes in March 2014 and the HR personnel told us,(not in written format) that they will provide the basic salary of April 2014 along with other remunerations(Gratuity, Earned leave in cash, and working days of March 2014).
But the company now says they wont provide the basic salary of April 2014 although they paid all others remunerations, except extra month payment.

My main Query is, Is getting extra month payment our right?, or Was it just a goodwill of company to provide the extra month payment, which they can alter as I mention above?
If this is our right then how can we receive it?
There are hundreds of employees who suffered due to this downsizing and the volatile policy of company. Please guide us on our employees right as per IPC, regarding the extra payment, when company layoffs.

Thank you.
Asked 10 years ago in Labour

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2 Answers

its retrenchment allowance under sec.25FF/ FFF of ID Act on layoff.file complaint in labour office or in court.for detail call through this site.

S.P. Srivastava
Advocate, New Delhi
703 Answers
13 Consultations

1. It is nothing but retrenchment in the sweet name of downsizing,

2. There are legal formalities for retrenching people for which the Company has to pay prescribed compensation,

3. All the retrenched employees now should lodge a complaint before the local labour commissioner.

Krishna Kishore Ganguly
Advocate, Kolkata
27533 Answers
726 Consultations

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