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In my case i have always mentioned the harsh domestic violence against me, we had a love marriage in October 2013 in dehradun court & lived in dehradun only. After 1 month of our marriage he get influenced by his mother & started hitting me on the small issues & always abused me in a vulgar way . He always demands money from my dad & my dad transfered alot of money in his account from delhi . On Feb 2014 we got to know that m pregnant as my husband is a pharmacist so he added some of pills in my food 

because of that i miscarried after 2 months & got my abortion, after 1 day of my abortion he had bitten up me alot & left me alone in dehradun & ran away then he blackmailed to go back to my father in delhi then i came back to Delhi on 4th April after that he had sell all our household things. 

On 6th April i took money from my dad & went back to dehradun for a complaint as i was physically also unfit, after the complaint in dehradun police won't gave any help they asked me for a month of a time me & husband as my husband doesn't wants to stay with me. So the police gave us the 1 month of time & sent me back to delhi as i don't have anyone in dehradun i was so helpless 
then i came back to delhi & filed a complaint in caw cell against my husband as he doesn't appear in any of the dates & know i have demand for fir in written but i'm afraid that if they transfered the case then what will i do? I don't have anyone there in dehradun & don't any place to stay also. I have a threat of my life also. I don't know what to do?
Asked 10 years ago in Family Law
Religion: Hindu

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5 Answers

1. Since your husband did not attend the proceedings before CAW cell in Delhi a FIR should now be registered against him. If police does not register the FIR or take action in consequence thereof then you may file a criminal case against your husband for dowry harassment and physical abuse directly in court. If held guilty, your husband will be sentenced to imprisonment.

2. The case cannot be transferred once you have filed it in Delhi. If he applies for case transfer you will get an opportunity to rebut it.

3. You may also file a case for domestic violence seeking the right to residence and protection from your husband and in-laws. In addition thereto you may also seek maintenance from him.

4. Last but not least you are free to apply for divorce at any time.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
30814 Answers
974 Consultations

do not worry FIR will be registered againts himi n the mean time you can also file complaint under DV act

Rajeev Bari
Advocate, New Delhi
1506 Answers
92 Consultations

dear client, FIR will be registered. in meantime you should move to magistate court & file DV act case in which you may all the reliefs in single petition like maintenence, protection order, monetary relief, ailmony etc. for brief you may call. your case will not be transfered to Dehradoon since you stay in Delhi

Avdhesh Chaudhary
Advocate, Greater Noida
565 Answers
20 Consultations

you had raised this query earlier too wherein we had advised you at length . please dont repeat your queries

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97597 Answers
7900 Consultations

Its repeat question already responded.Feel free to call for any clarification, if required.

S.P. Srivastava
Advocate, New Delhi
703 Answers
13 Consultations

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