Sorry, it is within prohibited relationship[. You can marry this girl.
I am Hindu boy. so in India is it allowed to marry my mother's mother's sister's daughter ? will this marriage holds valid by law?
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i have read all prohibited relationships list, but i didn't find this in it . so will you please explain ?
This lady is your mother's first cousin. Hence, the marriage falls within prohibited degree of relationship.
Thank you all for answering. But this is my friends case, I have posted it on behalf of him.Their GOTRA are different.He eloped with the girl a week before. They got married in a temple, and want to register their marriage, so as to get police protection from their parents. So what should they do in this condition ? Is there any solution to the condition ?
Gotra is irrelevant if the relationship itself falls within the degree of prohibited relationships. The marriage is illegal. Hence, there is no question of it being registered. Let your friend consult a local lawyer personally upon the payment of his consultancy fee to ascertain if he is entitled to any assistance by law.
gotra is irrelevant . since marriage falls within prohibited degree of relation ship marriage is illegal and cannot be registered
1. It comes under prohibited degree of relationship for marriage,
2. The said marriage will be void at law.
Your friend and his girl are in a Sapinda relationship of marriage so it is void /not valid as per law. So registration of your marriage can not be done. In case they are living as husband and wife after a religious ceremony of marriage before a priest, and wish to continue they will have to live without a legally valid marriage. There are In our country in few caste this type of marriage are existing for example , tamilnadu, kerala, and some part of Andhra Pradesh, these marriages are blessed with religious sanctions, so family or society do not make an issue. Gotra is not a reason for prohibited relationship of marriage. Your friend needs to approach the police and should seek their protection and help to avoid the family 's wrath and unwanted incidents.