by mutation at DDA office along with relinquish deed of the concerned legal hiers,kindly hire an advocate for this service as it takes time and moneyregistration of will is not necessary
Hi I have few query hope you will help me. My cousin father expired few days back.His father left unregistered will signed by two witness and in witness it is mentioned that the said property to be transfer to his mother name They are two brother and have no dispute and have no objection of transfering the property to their mother name. 1)What will be the procedure of transferring the DDA Freehold property to their mother name? 2) Do we have to approach DDA or MCD ? 3) As will is not register can DDA/MCD will ask for the register will? If yes what need to be done? 4) Any NOC required by Legal Heirs? Thanks Tavi
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by mutation at DDA office along with relinquish deed of the concerned legal hiers,kindly hire an advocate for this service as it takes time and moneyregistration of will is not necessary
Thanks you sir, How much time will it take to get relinguishment deed? and what are the documents required Do we have to approach MCD office also? Thanks
Following documents are required to be submitted
ß Affidavit regarding survived legal heirs from the transferee on Non-judicial
stamp paper of Rs. 10/- duly attested.
ß Relinquishment Deed on Rs. 100/- non-judicial stamp paper duly registered.
ß Undertaking from the transferee on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 10/- duly
ß Indemnity Bond from the transferee on Rs. 100/- non-judicial stamp paper
duly attested
ß Death Certificate in original.
ß No Objection Certificate from the employer/Govt. loan paying agency, if
house building advance obtained.
ß Documentary evidence of relationship i.e., attested photocopy of :
ß School leaving certificate duly attested by the gazeeted officer, or
ß Passport, etc.duly attested by the gazeeted officer, and
ß Ration card duly attested by the gazeeted officer
ß For SFS flats bank guarantee duly renewed if applicable.
ß Photograph and three signatures duly attested of the transferee duly attested
by the gazeeted officer
copy of will left by testator
Thanks all. Is it necessary to provide relinquishment deed? Will NOC from legal heir will be enough rather then relinquishment deed? Tavi