• Transfer of DDA ownership question

Dear sir,

I have few query hope you will help me.

My cousin father expired few days back.His father left unregistered will signed by two witness and in witness it is mentioned that the said property to be transfer to his mother name  

They are two brother and have no dispute and have no objection of transfering the property to their mother name.

1)What will be the  procedure of transferring  the DDA Freehold property to their mother name?
2) Do we have to approach DDA or MCD ?
3) As will is not register can DDA/MCD will ask for the register will? If yes what need to be done?
4) Any NOC required by Legal Heirs?


Asked 10 years ago in Property Law

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2 Answers

Documents required:

1. Affidavit

2. Indeminity Bond

3. Relinquishment Deed.

4. Death Certificate in Original

5. Proof of relationship, viz., copy of ration card, or copy of passport or copy of voter’s

identity card, duly attested by gazetted officer/Notary Public/Magistrate

6. NOC or redemption deed, if plot is mortgaged.

7. One photograph & Three Specimen Signatures of mutatee duly attested by Class I

Gazetted Officer/Ist class Magistrate.

8. NOC from the society (In case of a Society plot)

9. Copy of “D” form/completion Certificate duly attested

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97597 Answers
7900 Consultations

1. Your cousin's mother has to file an application for probate of the said will,

2. Will need not be registered,

3. On receiving the Application, the Court will send notice to all the legal heirs of your cousin's father,

4. On receipt of the notice from the Court, your cousins should give a NOC for the probate which will now be granted,

5. Submit a copy of the grant of probate issued by the Court in favour of your cousin's mother to DDA to register her name in all records.

Krishna Kishore Ganguly
Advocate, Kolkata
27533 Answers
726 Consultations

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