- It is well settled law that any service provider like the training institutes, educational institutes/schools or College /university cannot be allowed to forfeit the fees or consideration received in advance in case the student has not availed the service.
- Further, the clause that the Course/Registration fee once paid is not refundable is unconscionable and unfair trade practice as well as voidable and therefore not acceptable.
- Since, you have full services for getting the said course completed , the the Upgad is under obligaion to refund the entire amount legally.
- Further, the denial of refund of deposited amount is also against the public policy and hit by the provisions of Indian Contract Act,
- You should issue a demand notice, and on refusal the same file a complaint for the deficiency in service under the Consumer Protection Act.
- I have done many such cases , where the College /Institute /service provider has refund the amount .