Power of Attorney misused
I gave Power of Attorney to my brother 18 years back to take care of my 2 rental apartments.
He used to collect rents, security deposits and used to send me the monthly statements of the money collected. I never doubted about the credibility of the statements due to the elderly respect.
Recently he died due to Coronavirus and I took control and started managing my properties. I checked the rent leases and expenses he used to report in my previous statements sent by my brother.
I found out that he misreported the rents and expenses and accumulated lot of money.
The rents reported to me were lot less than what he use to receive and the expenses were shown higher than the actual expenses.
This money is accumulated in crores and now my brother's son, 2 daughters are fighting for my money.
In this fight, the three kids are taking my brother-in-law's help who is a govt employee (income tax officer) and he is troubling me. They have my property papers as well.
I have statements from my brother and lease documents to compare and show the difference money that was stolen in each months rental income.
How can I get legal help in order to get my money and property papers. what are my chances of winning this case. How can I remove or report about my brother in law (a Govt employee) from this situation. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Status Update: I am going to India to open the almirah with my brother’s son who is favorable with me. I am worried about the following things and need your advice or suggestions as to how I should move forward:
1. If I go to India without informing them and asking for property papers, my brother’s wife who lives in that house will not let me in or create a scene or call my brother-in-law (who is income tax superintendent).
2. Previously when I asked for my rental account diaries, she denied and messaged that we are harassing her.
3. How can I stop my brother-in-law who is misusing his government authority to trouble me and helping her.
4. If my brother’s wife call police and report against us for just going to the house
Please let me know how I can safely get papers from them by following any protocol.
Your suggestions will be appreciated.
Asked 3 years ago in Property Law
Religion: Hindu