Are you getting paid at present as per the said norms notified Pay scale vide AICTE Pay-regulation 2010, published vide F.No:37-3/Legal/2010,New Delhi, the January 22, 2010.If so what is your concern, is it that you want to calculate your pension or other reliefs after retirement.
Answer to your question is yes
Usually the said increments are added with the salary as incentives and others., the same will be added to basic pay.
DA and HRA are increased based on the yearly increment or the time to time applicable rules considering the basic as the basic salary get increased as every other components are increased based on this
first find out whether you are paid the said increments for having the higher qualification if not ask for it as per the notification. if you are paid, the calculation of retire-mental benefits other than EPF will be based on basic salary which will be separately mentioned in your pay slip.You should know if any errors in it if so challenge it with the concerned department as early as possible.