- As per law, RWA is a voluntary organization set up from among the elected members of a housing society and is re-elected every year, or after a set period decided by the general body of the RWA through a voice vote.
- Further, since RWA is a legal body, registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, hence one can sue against its function, if not performing well.
- Further as per rule of the Societies Registration Act, any society registered under this act may sue or be sued in the name of the president, chairman or the principal secretary or trustees, as determined by the rules and regulations of the society and, if no such posts have been established, then in the name of the person appointed by the governing body of the RWA for the occasion.
- Further, as per the rules of the Societies Registration Act, any member or non-member can file a complaint.
- Further, the Registrar of Societies is bound to take action against the errant RWA on a legitimate complaint.
- Hence, you can file a complaint to the Registrar of Societies after narrating your concern against the existed RWA.
- Further, a RWA/housing society can be dissolved also, if the RWA fails to meet its objectives, involvement in illegal acts, inadequate number of members, ceasing of functioning over a period of time, contravention of law, or irreconcilable dysfunction.
- It can be dissolved by a) its members b) the Registrar c) the Court or d) the Government.
- A number not less than three-fourths of the members of any RWA/society may determine that it shall be dissolved, then an RWA can be also dissolved.