Not getting due income from property
We are a Muslim family from Uttar Pradesh. My deceased father had 2 wives both alive & I am the eldest som aged 46 yrs from first wife. My deceased father owning an inherited orchard wrote a registered will favoring me, ,his 2nd wife and 3 sons from 2nd wife stating mango orchard's annual income to be distributed equally. Will also mentions that 2nd wife shall have the right to sell the orchard annual produce to 3rd party and after her elder son. Me being a son from first wife has not been granted a right accept that I am entitled for 1/5th of annual produce income. For the past 7 yrs , 2nd wife has been selling produce and is not giving my portion of produce income due to me. Will also doesn't give any right in my father's property to my mother (,first wife) who is also alive.
Please advise on the legal discourse available to me to claim my portion.of income and can I file a FIR against her for usurping my portion of annual income for past 7 years.
What legal option do I have to separate my portion of orchard and sell produce own.
Asked 3 years ago in Property Law
Religion: Muslim