Legal heir certificate/succession certificate can be used for transfer of bank deposits, insurance claims, share certificates of the deceased family member and for the dependants of deceased government employee to claim pension benefits. Such certificates are not useful for claiming immovable property of deceased ancestor. You have to apply for mutation of you name in Municipal Records and change to property tax receipts in your name by producing death certificate. There are printed application for the purpose. Submit such application to municipal authority after mutation of you name in the records as owner you can sell the property.
For you information following is form for legal heir certificate .
The Mandal Revenue Officer
Hyderabad, A.P.
Sub: Application for Issue of Legal Heirs Certificate/
Family Members Certificate - Requested - Regarding.
Respected Sir,
I beg to submit that my.................................................................................................
expired on...............................................................He/She as a pentioner.....................................................................
He, She was expired while in service working as a ...................................................................................................
in the office of the....................................................................................................................................................................
I have applied for legal Heirship certificate to submit the same at......................................................for getting to claim the
benefit for claiming Department inner benefits. life time arrears appointment of my .......................................................
Smt./Sri./Kum..................................................... to you for verification, I may kindly be issued a Residential Certificate.
On receipt of the Certificate from Mandal Oficer, I will submit the same......................................................................
for the purpose of.....................................................................................................................
Name of the Family members are given below:
Name of the family members
Relationship with
the deceased
I therefore humbly request your good self to issue the in Legal Heir ship Certificate/Family member Certificate
and submitted death certificate No...............................dated...........................................and pension payment slip/service
certificate of his/her deceased of submitted herewith for kind per ................ and necessary action.
Yours Faithfully
( )
Following is procedure to get the house transferred in mother’s name…
- Obtain legal heir certificate from MRO office through son of deceased, this certificate is not essential for transfer of immovable property legally but authorities ask for production of it at some places. Application form can be obtained from the office of MRO. The enclosures required are..
- Death certificate and proof of residential address of deceased (voter id, bank passbook, driving license).
- Aadhar of applicant.
- Ration card of applicant.
- Id card of applicant.
If the application form and documents are found in order a formal enquiry will be conducted by revenue inspector and certificate will be furnished within one month.
- Registration of relinquishment deed…
- Execution a relinquishment deed by legal heirs in favor mother the stamp duty, registration charges and transfer duty comes to 2% of the value of property.
- Mutation of property in name of mother in municipal records…
- With all the above documents apply for mutation of record in GHMC in the name of mother.
- Change in water bills and electricity bills…
- An application is to be made enclosing proof above to change the name in water works and electricity department.
Property is transferred in the name of mother.
Any clarification can be sought.
For you information above is form for legal heir certificate .