You can enter into fresh agreement on expiry of earlier agreement
2) mention receipt of security deposit
3)in alternative enter into renewal agreement on same terms and conditions
4) register the agreement
How to renew a rental agreement in the state of Telangana for a residential Flat? No Increase in rental price. So Should we enter into fresh agreement? if so how to include deposit clause which was paid one year back? Should we enter into renewal agreement? or can we just write on the backside of current agreement that " Agreement extended for another 11 months with same terms and conditions mentioned herein "??? is there any draft of renewal agreement?
You can enter into fresh agreement on expiry of earlier agreement
2) mention receipt of security deposit
3)in alternative enter into renewal agreement on same terms and conditions
4) register the agreement
After expiry of leas for eleven months, the tenancy becomes month to month. If you want to continue tenancy for eleven months you need to draft the new rental agreement with same terms and conditions marking reference to earlier lease agreement. You need to add just one clause to the effect that with regard to continuation of pervious agreement .
writing on back of earlier agreement is not good option.
It seems you have not registered the rental agreement, as it is for 11 months. In such a case, you may do the renewal either way you have suggested. If you endorse the renewal on the existing agreement itself, write all the revised terms, monthly rent, deposit, additional deposit required etc. in the endorsement. Or else, execute a fresh one.
If there are no changes in the terms of the rental agreement and both the landlord and tenant agree for renewing the rental agreement for a similar period, they can very well make an endorsement at the backside of the agreement deed, stating that the rental agreement has been renewed for a further period of...... and the renewal term will expire on ............ You can also endorse the the further renewal would depend on the acceptance of the same by landlord
- Legally , you should enter into a renewal agreement , as the last agreed has already expired after completing 11months period .
- Further, you can mention in that new agreement regarding the security deposits if any .
- Further, if the said agreement is only for 11 months then the registration is not mandatory.
Dear Client,
You have to create a new rental agreement with appropriate changes to the rent terms as appropriate. You can update the renewal to anything you agree on with your tenant/Owner.
Also ask your tenant/owner 90 days in advance whether they wish to renew the Rental Agreement.
Thank you.