• Need to make a will

मेरे परिवार में मेरी पत्नी का स्वर्गवास हो चूका है, और में भी वृद्धावस्था की ओर हुI मेरी एक शादीसुदा पुत्री एवं एक शादीसुदा पुत्र हैं, यही मेरा परिवार हैI अब में एक वसीयत बनाना चाहता हुI
उसमे आप मेरी मदद करे -

1.मेरे पास एक भवन एवं एक दुकान वसीयत के माध्यम से मुझे अपने पिताजी के स्वर्गवास पश्चात मिली हैं, जिस वसीयत को मेने प्रोबेट करा लिए था Iचूँकि यह सम्पत्ति मेरे पिताजी को उनके पिताजी से मिली थी व उनके पिताजी ने यह सम्पत्ति अपने रुपयों से खरदी थी (a) क्या यह सम्पत्ति पैतृक सम्पत्ति कहलाएगी? या फिर मेरी खुद की सम्पत्ति कहलाएगी जिसे में किसी को भी अपने अनुसार दे सकू ? 

2.में अपने पुत्र व पुत्री के बीच बराबर का हिस्सा नहीं करना चाहता हु, पुत्र को ज्यादा व पुत्री को कम हिस्सा देना चाहता हुI 
 (A) क्या ऐसा में कर सकता हु ? 
 (B) क्या ऐसा करने से मेरे मरने के बाद मेरी पुत्री कोर्ट में इस आधार पर यह वसीयत ख़ारिज करा पाएगी की बराबर का हिस्सा नहीं 
 (C) अगर हाँ तो कैसे में अपने पुत्र को ज्यादा हिस्सा दे सकता हु?

3. चूँकि में अपनी पुत्री को कम हिस्सा देना चाहता हु और पुत्र का पक्ष मजबूत रखना चाहता हु, इसीलिए में पुत्री की शादी के समय एवं शादी के बाद समय समय पर उसे जो धन एवं सोने के जेवरात दिए हैं, उसका जिक्र अपनी वसीयत करना चाहता हूँI क्या में ऐसा कर सकता हु और क्या इसका कोई उपयोग कोर्ट में पुत्री को दिए गए कम हिस्से की भरपाई के तोर पर हो पायेगा?

4. में अपनी पुत्री को कुछ संपत्ति शर्त के साथ देना चाहता हु कि मेरी पुत्री को दी जा रही सम्पत्ति को वो न तो बेचेंगी और न ही किसी भी प्रकार से किसी और को हस्तानांतरित करेंगी और पुत्री के मरने के पश्चात वह संपत्ति भी मेरे पुत्र की हो जायेगी क्या में वसीयत में ऐसा लिख सकता हु? क्या यह शर्ते मानने के लिए पुत्री बाध्य होगी?

5.में इसके साथ साथ यह भी लिखना चाहता हूँ कि मेरे मरने के पश्चात मेरी पुत्री मेरे पुत्र से कुछ रूपए प्रति माह लेती रहेगीI क्या में वसीयत में ऐसा लिख सकता हु? क्या यह शर्ते मानने के लिए पुत्र बाध्य होगा?

6.क्या में इस प्रकार के पैराग्राफ अपनी वसीयत में लिख सकता हु ?

"मेरी पुत्री की शादी में और शादी के बाद समय समय पर मेरे द्वारा मेरी पुत्री b को लगभग 15,00,000/- (पन्द्रह लाख रूपए) और अपने सम्पूर्ण पुस्तैनी जेवरात करीब 500 ग्राम (पांच सौ ग्राम) वजन के सोने के जेवरात पुत्री b को दिए, इस कारण में अपनी पुत्री को सिर्फ १२३४५ वर्गफुट जगह रहने के लिए दे रहा हूँ, वह इस भाग का प्रयोग अपने जीवनकाल तक सिर्फ रहने के लिए करेंगी एवं उन्हें यह अधिकार नहीं होगा कि वह इस सम्पत्ति को किसी को भी किसी भी प्रकार से हस्तांतरित, अनबंधित, विक्रय, दान, बधंक अथवा अन्य किसी प्रकार से हस्तान्तारित कर सके। चूँकि मेरी पुत्री अपने भाई a के पास अपना जीवन यापन निर्वाह कर रही हैं इसलिए मेरी पुत्री मरने के पश्चात उनको रहने के लिए दिए गए भाग के स्वामी मेरा पुत्र a होगा।" 

7.क्या में इस प्रकार से कोई शर्त इस वसीयत में लिख सकता हु? 
"यह है कि मेरी पुत्री b अपने भाई a से अपना जीवन-यापन चलाने के लिए 4000/- (चार हज़ार रूपए) प्रति माह प्राप्त करती रहेंगी। " 

8. क्या में इस प्रकार से कोई शर्त इस वसीयत में लिख सकता हु? 
"अगर मेरी पुत्री अपने पति से अलग मेरे घर में अपने भाई के साथ निवास करती हैं तो पुत्री के जीवन यापन का खर्चा मेरा पुत्र उढ़ायेगा?"
Asked 3 years ago in Property Law
Religion: Hindu

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12 Answers

You can engage any lawyer on this website for drafting will 


2) will should be attested by 2 witnesses 


3) registration of will is optional 


4) you can bequeath the house inherited by you from father to whom so ever you please 


5) it is not ancestral property 


6) it is not necessary that you should bequeath equal share in property to your children 


7) reasons should be mentioned why giving more property to your son 


8) conditional will can ge executed by yiu that your daughter will have only life interest in property and on her demise it would devolve on your son 

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97700 Answers
7911 Consultations

आपने जो भी लिखा है वह सब वसीयत में स्पष्ट भाषा एवं शब्दों में लिखा जाना चाहिए ।

1:आपकी संपति है ।

2 आप ऐसा कर सकते हैं।

3 आपने जो भी लिखा है वह सब वसीयत में लिख सकते हैं।

आपके सारे point aap likh sakte hain.

Rahul Mishra
Advocate, Lucknow
14108 Answers
65 Consultations

A will can be executed on any paper. It is executed on stamp paper so as not to create any doubt of date of execution of will. Will can be registered of un-registered. An un-registered will is as valid as registered will.  But if the will is registered, no stamp duty is charged on will, only registration fee has to be paid. But is safer to register will as that will rule out the doubt as to signature of testator/will maker. After drafting of will the testator/will maker has to sign the will in the presence of  two attesters/witnesses to the execution of will, the witness should state/endorse on the will that they saw the will maker signing the will. As no stamp duty is required for registration  of will, you have to pay only lawyer’s fee for drafting will, that will not be more than 5 K in any case.

  1. Property received by father is ancestral property. As the same is transferred through his father to him.
  2. Daughter and son have equal share in the property. You have to divide property equally between son and daughter.
  3. You can divide unequally.
  4. After you daughter can approach and get her equal share.
  5. You can give your share to son. There are three shares in the property father, son and daughter 1/3 each . Father can give his share to son. Son will get 2/3 of property.
  6. No expenses of marriage cannot be deducted from the share of daughter.
  7. Daughter is not bound by conditions put in will against transfer of property. She can transfer the property to anyone.
  8. Son not bound by conditions of making any payment to daughter.
  9. Daughter have equal right to share ancestral property. Her right cannot be restricted to her life. Such will can be declared in valid by Court.
  10. Son is not bound to make any payment to daughter.
  11. You cannot add any condition like if daughter separates from husband brother will pay her maintenance. Such condition is invalid under law.

Ravi Shinde
Advocate, Hyderabad
4511 Answers
42 Consultations

1. its your self acquired property

2. A. Yes

B. She may challenge by raising the plea that the Will does not give equal shares to the children but such a challenge will not stand in Court because the main purpose of a Will is to disturb the intestate succession

C. Yes definitely 


3. yes you can mention that in the Will as a reason for giving less to the daughter

4. yes a life interest can be given. Such a bequest is valid

5. that is merely your desire. It is not binding on your son. He may or may not fulfill that desire. Its upto him

6. yes absolutely

7. yes you can but that is not binding on the son

8. yes you can but its not binding on the son 

Yusuf Rampurawala
Advocate, Mumbai
7779 Answers
79 Consultations

Main aapki madat karunga muje contact kijiye

If you need any further assistance then you can approach me through kaanoon or LinkedIn.

Prashant Nayak
Advocate, Mumbai
33003 Answers
212 Consultations

- Yes, you can mention these all conditions in the WILL 

- Further, the registration of WILL is not mandatory , but this WILL should be write in the presence of two witnesses. 

- Further , after getting the property from your father ,now it is considered as your self acquired property , and by this way you have your full right to give the property to any of your legal heirs without taking consent of others. 

Mohammed Shahzad
Advocate, Delhi
14832 Answers
225 Consultations

1. It will be your own and absolute property. 

2. A.  Yes,  you can because it is your decision to distribute the property as per your desire. 

B. If you register the Will,  then her challenge may not be maintainable. 

C. You can go ahead as per your plan. 

3. You can mention the details in the Will accordingly so that her claim,  if any  in future,  may not be maintainable. 

4. This may not be practical,  if challenged,  the court may nullify the Will as there's no clarity or valid reason to bequeath the property in the manner what you have mentioned now,  it may lead to legal complications when the disappointed daughter disputes the bequest in a lawsuit. 

5. It can be made to compensate her for having allotted less property. 

6. Yes.

7. You have to give a proper and valid reason to include this clause. 

8. If you have given more property to your son than her then you can write this way. 

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
87902 Answers
2368 Consultations

Dear sir,

since it is your property, you can make the will.

you  requires a lawyer for it. you van get it notarized or registered.

you require two witnessed to sign your documented will.

for more details you can approach us,


Anik Miu
Advocate, Bangalore
10444 Answers
121 Consultations

On demise of wife her share would devolve on you and your children equally 


2) you can execute will for your share in property 


3) your daughter share will remain 


4) there is no way wherein you can deprive your daughter of her share in property as your wife died intestate 

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97700 Answers
7911 Consultations

1.  If the Registered sale deed is having the names of your wife also besides your name and your son's name, then your wife's share in the property shall again devolve equally on all her legal heirs i.e.,her husband and her children.

2. You can bequeath your share, including your share out of your deceased wife's share in the property in favor of your son and not your deceased wife's entire share in the property to your son.

3. Your daughter is having a right to her share out of her mother's share in the property, which can neither be deprived or denied to her.

4. Legally 'NO", you may have to abide by the prevailing law of the land.



a)  If you are making a Will to bequeath your property in the manner you may desire or decide, you may have to give a justified reason for giving less share or not giving any share to your other legal heirs.  If the distribution is blunt and without any valid reasons and found to be unjustified, the litigant who would challenge the Will may raise this question and may present strong arguments before court to nullify this Will in view of  its unjustified distribution, hence it would always be better that you give proper and strong valid reasons for your  un-proportional distribution of your assets to your different heirs. 


b) i)  The entire bequest may not be nullified if other issues are valid and justified, however if the Will is made in the manner which do not have any proper justification, it may lead to suspicions to the extent that the Will itself was a forged or a fabricated document, thereby the beneficiary may be put into trouble with the burden to prove the same with proper evidence to justify the intentions of the deceased  testator behind making this type of Will.

ii) You can contact an experienced document writer or a skilled lawyer ion the local who would be able to guide you properly ass per what you wanted to do in this situation. 

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
87902 Answers
2368 Consultations

A) yes

Ii) you can state the same thing that the said property in it's description that it is only extended for residence and not ownership to daughter

Prashant Nayak
Advocate, Mumbai
33003 Answers
212 Consultations

1. Since, you both are the joint owner of the property , it means that both having 50% share in the property .

- Hence after the death of wife, her share can be claimed by three of you i.e. you, son and daughter. 

2. You can give your share to your son but not daughters share 

3. Yes, you can write a WILL in favour of your son after ejecting the right of daughter for your 50%+1/3rd share received from the wife. 

4. Legally you cannot take daughters 1/3 of her mothers right against her consent , and in the absence of a registered release deed from her.

Mohammed Shahzad
Advocate, Delhi
14832 Answers
225 Consultations

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