Can we apply for partition now,can we file a case against property,who has to file
It is an ancestral property(Hindu),1967 head of family(male died) ,left with wife (died in 1980)and 2 sons and 3 grandchildren (minor at that time females without court permission),soon after death 8 property were sold by two sons(sale deed), without transfering property in their name, without partition,in one property RTC head of family name came till 1987 ,one of property till 2000, properties are now till plain land nothing constructed,we came to know this now(not had knowledge about it),one of the son still alive one died - all the sale deed done by two sons in 1971,now grandchildren's age are 50,56 and 60
Asked 3 years ago in Property Law
Religion: Hindu
Now the property has gone to three four hands,Who can file a suit is it son or grandchildren's,is it legal to sell ancestral property without transferring in their name,now grandchildren's age are 50,55 and 66,can we get a stay on property, 8 property registered sale deed was done by two sons in 1971,in 8 property 3 properties having wrong survey number and size,can time limit stop us from filing suit,one of the lawyer said to us earlier it was happening without court permission for minor and without transferring in their name they can sell is it true,can't we challenge that please advise us
Asked 3 years ago
We have special DC order in 1963 by it saying it's an ancestral Property,after two sons made registered sale deed properties has gone to three to four hands can that salee deeds can be cancelled,noc not been taken, property not mutated,now can grandchildren's (female) can file a suit,two of the 8 property having wrong survey number and wrong size what can be done for that.
Please suggest what has to be done I have all documents in hand(RTC from 1965 to 2021,MR,EC from 1965 to 2021,sale deeds paper,survey sketch copy,1963 dc order and PR of all the property)
Asked 3 years ago
What is the best option to overcome limitation act in ancestral property?
At that time they were minor when ancestral property was sold,after property was sold they left city,father had one daughter so he left with daughter after her marriage,kartha one son who is still alive is kidney,sugar patient from 20 years above
Now we came to know because of one ancestral property was still in kartha name,in 2021 it was transferred to kartha'son then transferred to kartha'son's daughter name.
Option 1 - to tell still now we were in Possession of property, because we settled in another city and kartha's son kidney,sugur patients we came to know now property got transferred to someone else
Option 2 - we not had knowledge regarding ancestral property,we came to know now because one property was still in kartha name,now we transferred that property to kartha'son name then to granddaughter name,from that we came to knowledge regarding ancestral property.
Which is best option or any more options please suggest
But property has gone to 3 to 4 hands it's changed in documents
Asked 3 years ago