If your gf committed suicide and left a note against you then you can be arrested under section 306 of ipc for abetting to commit suicide.
Contact lawyer personally in your area it will be better
Hi, I am very scared what will happen to me if my girlfriend commits suicide. I am 24,I am from an orthodox family and due to family reasons I told my girlfriend, we probably cannot get married. Now, she said all things like I gave hope and all things like that, now she is saying that she wants to die and does not want to live. I am very sure I dont want to marry her. But if she commits suicide, can the family put a case on me for "abetting of suicide" or something like that? Is there a possibility I will go to jail? What will be my best course of action? Please advice.
If your gf committed suicide and left a note against you then you can be arrested under section 306 of ipc for abetting to commit suicide.
Contact lawyer personally in your area it will be better
if she commits suicide after leaving a note you will in great trouble. you should go ahead as per legal advice to be obtained by meeting a lawyer
Inform local SHO of the P.S. and inform him through an application stating that this girl is having suicidal tendencies and you should not be held responsible in case such a thing happens. Inform the same to her parents and also to make her to attend counselling.
1. If you do not want to marry her then you should not have continued this relationship. Before putting a person in such emotional turmoil you should have kept the uncertainly of marriage shared with her.
2. Now do convince her to make her understand your situation.
3. Do inform the local police about such threats.
4. if possible seek her forgiveness. It is personal dispute and you should handle it personally and with care.
1. Were you not aware of the orthodox nature of your family and the improbability of your marriage to your gf when the relationship came into inception? Did you disclose to her at the first possible opportunity the improbability of your relationship culminating in marriage?
2. In the unfortunate event of her committing suicide, you may be prosecuted for abetting her suicide.
3. Your best bet is to explain to her why you cannot marry her.
4. Send a intimation to the local police disclosing the threat by your gf to end her life. Get the letter drafted by your lawyer to be on the safer side.
If she commits suicide and leave a note against you then you may be arrested under section 306 of ipc for abetting to commit suicide. Take precautionary measures ,inform local police about her threats and implicating you falsely.Contact a lawyer.
1) you should never have made any promise of marriage .
2) now that you have informed her that you will not marry her she has gone into depression .
3) if she commits suicide you will be in trouble and can be booked for abetting to commit suicide .
4) contact inspector local police station and inform him in writing about your Gf suicidal tendencies .
5) convince your gf to visit a psychiatrist for treatment
It seems your intentions in this relationship was clear from the beginning that you would not marry her. You should have told her that this relationship is not for marriage. In case if you had physical relationship with her , you can be charged for rape on her complaint and for breach of promise of marriage. She may be under depression so why don't you take her for a counselling. You should convince her, now it is not wise to hide things.
All girls who threaten their husband or boy friend of suicide never commit that. As other experts advised it is better you visit your area police station and speak to the station officer or inspector about it. What happened is happened , running away from it is not the solution . know what is your preference and take a decision, in case your right decision brings you any legal complications face it in the legal way.
Thank you for all your support. In my justification, I was just 21 when I told I will marry her and then on I always avoided the topic of marriage (which is my mistake) Now I have informed my parents everything. My mom is going to meet her today. I have 1 question Can I be arrested on a friend's statement saying that my GF has commited suicide because of me? Also, I have told my parents about the issue. My mom is going to meet her. She is telling that she will not inform her parents. My mom is going to meet her today. If she still says she wants to commit suicide, I will tell her parents.
1) if your Gf leaves a suicide note you would be booked by police under section 306 IPC for abetting your gf to commit suicide
2) if she does not leave any note but her family and friends in their statement give your name as the cause of your gf suicide then also you will be in trouble .
3) you should convince your gf to consult a psychiatrist
Leaving a note with your name there for causing suicide or telling the same by any friend/relative is the same thing and then you may be arrested.Better to convince her not to do such things or take her to psychiatric for proper counseling and treatment,if need be.
1. Instead of 'avoiding' the topic you ought to have told her that you cannot merry her due to your family's outlook. Silence can be construed as acceptance.
2. You can be booked on a statement being made by any of her family friends. If she leaves a suicide note then also you will be arrested and prosecuted for driving her to commit suicide. It will be difficult for you to wriggle yourself out of the case.
3. Placate your gf. It is in your own interest.
1. If she comits suicide leaving suicide note or gives a dying declaration that you have instigated her to commit suicide, then you sall be in huge problem,
2. Even if she commits suicide without taking your name & some body informs police that you are responsible for her death, then also you will face serious problem,
3. Settle the matter amicably with her.