1. If the property is your self earned property, your son can lay no claim on it,
2. You can execute a Gift Deed or a Will regarding your said property favouring anybody else.
Can my son claim my property if i don't want and will i be responsible 4 his crime? What is the procedure to leave or remove him from my family?
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1. If the property is your self earned property, your son can lay no claim on it,
2. You can execute a Gift Deed or a Will regarding your said property favouring anybody else.
Yes,he can claim your property if it is ancestral otherwise not. You can dispossess and disown him by public notice so that you would not be held responsible for his any activities.For detail and or legal help, please feel free to call.
If it is your self-acquired property there is no right for him to claim the same. However if it were to be ancestral property then your son will have a claim. You can through public notice in leading national newspapers and vernacular newspapers disown him and his acts. You can not be held responsible for your son's misdemeanours.
i presume it is your self acquired property .
2) you can make a will bequeathing property to whom soever you so desire .
3) you can also gift said property during your lifetime
4) it is only if you die without any will can your son get share in property as your legal heir
If the property is your self acquired, your son can lay no claim on it,, You can execute a Gift Deed or a Will regarding your said property favouring anybody else.
1. You can not deprive your son from your ancestral property.
2. You are not responsible for any offence committed by your son.
3. You can not deprive your son from his legal right. However for your self earned property you do not need any separate document. You can simply transfer it to anyone you choose.
If the property is your self acquired then no need to worry he can not claim any right or share on your property.
Published your intention in news paper and after that file a suit for declaration begore court.
Feel free to call
1. If the property is your self purchased property then your son cannot claim it if you dispose it or make a will in some one else's favour during your life time. As the owner you have an indefeasible right to make a will of your property in favour of any one you so desire.
2. If it is ancestral in character then you cannot deprive your son from claiming an equal share therein.
3. You will not be legally liable for any crime committed by your son.
since the property is in your name and self earned, your son's debtors can not trouble you. You are not responsible or shall not be held liable for your adult son's crime. You can give a news paper declaration by distancing yourself and your property from him and all his acts. And also file a police complaint if needed to remove him from your house. your children are not liable to get anything of your personal property once they are 18 years. They have the right in the property only after your death in case you die intestate(without a WILL or Gift deed or any other assigning document).