Dear sirs,
I need to transfer a property based in Mumbai and registered in the name of one deceased Mr SK to my father's name who is the sole legal heir. Mr SK did not have any issues and his widow is willing to provide her consent for the said transfer.
My father is the legal heir by virtue of being the only son of Mr SK's sister.
What would be the appropriate process to follow to get the transfer done (gift/release) in case of no will being present?
(For additional information, said property has a G+2 structure built on the landlord/pagdi system. We follow islam, if the religion code will come into play).
Awaiting your response,
Asked 11 years ago in Property Law
Dear Adv Barman,
Thanks for the elaborate response. In which case, I assume a release deed will not be applicable (considering this cannot be termed as ancestral property?). If a gift deed is executed by SK's widow, what will the stamp duty and registration cost come to and what time could the process take, on average?
Thanks and regards.
Asked 11 years ago
Dear Adv Sethi,
Thanks for the response. We are the landlords and not tenants of the entire pagdi premises.
In which case, what would be a prudent way to carry out the property transfer? Transfer 25 percent of said premises to my father's maternal aunt (SK's widow) and remaining 75 percent directly to my father (my actual grandmother, who was SK's sister, has also expired). And then proceed to transfer the 25 percent in my father's name via gift/release? Or have 100 percent transferred to father's maternal aunt and thereafter to my father?
Your reply would be highly appreciates.
Thanks and regards.
Asked 11 years ago