Dear Sir,
1. Guava plantations are not considered as orchards under Haryana Ceiling on Land Holding Act, 1972.
Thank you!
The Haryana Ceilings of Land Holdings Act excludes guava from the definition of orchard. Punjab amended its laws to include guava as orchard in 2018. Are guava plantations considered orchards for the purpose of land ceiling laws in Haryana?
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Dear Sir,
1. Guava plantations are not considered as orchards under Haryana Ceiling on Land Holding Act, 1972.
Thank you!
The state government of Punjab amended its land revenue laws and brought Guava and bananas under orchard in the year 2018, whereas the laws of Haryana in this regard remains unchanged.
- No, in Haryana there is no amendment in the Haryana Ceilings of Land Holdings Act for Guava and bananas under orchards .
Thank you all for clarifying. Since lemon plantations (ceilings act only mentions guava, banana and grapes as an exception) should be considered orchards in Haryana, can one do intercropping of lemon and guava trees for the plantation to be declared an orchard?
Orchards have been defined under Haryana land ceiling act as
J) orchard" means a compact area of land, other than land under grape garden or [vine-yard or banana or guava trees], having fruit bearing trees grown thereon in such number that they preclude, or when fully grown would preclude a substantial part of such land from being used for any agricultural purpose;
3) guava plantations would not be considered orchards in Haryana
You can do intercropping of lemon and guava trees . But majority of land should have lemon trees for it to be considered orchard
Dear Sir,
1. The plantation of guava in any manner has been explicitly excluded from being called an orchard under the Haryana Ceiling on Land Holding Act, 1972.
Thank You!
Until and unless there is no restriction, you can proceed with your proposal to cultivate the same.
Since it is a local law, you may kindly oblige the local authorities if at all there is any issue on this.