• Coimbatore: Building farmhouse on agricultural land and using a commercial plot for residential use

Hi Sir,
In Coimbatore we as a family are planning to buy an acre of land and then split it into 5 parts of 20 cents each. We would like to construct farm houses in every land parcel (around 2000 sq ft) for our own consumption and use the remaining piece of land in every land parcel for cultivation of trees etc. Is this allowed ? What percentage of the land canbwe use for house construction without going for any approval ? Read a lot of articles about converting the lannd use to a Residential plot before purchasing. Is it an easy process to convert land use for my own consumption ? 

Also have a commercial land availaible. Can i use it for resedendial purpose? If no, how do i get it converted to resedential land and how much time would it take. Is it a lengthy process ? Is it easier as compared to getting a landbuse changed for agricultural to resedential ?
Asked 3 years ago in Property Law
Religion: Hindu

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4 Answers

You cannot construct number of farm houses on agricultural land 


you need to convert agricultural land into residential use before constructing farm houses on land 



Tamil Nadu land use conversion charge at the rate of 3% of the market value fixed under the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 need to be paid to the local authority, and the concerned body will deposit the amount in Government head of account and grant permission for carrying out the development works.




obtaining completing Tamil Nadu land conversion, the applicant has to attach documents as mentioned below:

  • Copy of sale deed, lease deed and power of attorney self-attested by the applicant
  • Certificate of ownership should be obtained from the Executive Officer, Town Panchayat or Commissioner, Municipality Corporation in case of urban local bodies
  • In the case of rural local authorities, certificate of ownership to be obtained from the Block Development Officer (BDO) of Block Panchayat, Village Panchayat
  • FMB or Town Survey sketch
  • Patta, Chitta or Town Survey Land Records (TSLR) in owner’s name
  • Site plan inappropriate scale of 1:400/800/1600
  • Proposed layout for sub-division plan (In case of layout/subdivision proposal)
  • To plan to show all existing developments surrounding the site for 500-metre radius
  • Encumbrance certificate for 13 years issued not before 30 days from the date of submitting the application

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97923 Answers
7942 Consultations

Make application to local authorities for conversion of commercial land into residential use 


it should not take long time 


after conversion application is allowed you can construct villa on land 


consult a local architect 

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97923 Answers
7942 Consultations

The agricultural land bought to be used for agricultural purposes only

The unapproved construction even in the name of farm house amidst agricultural land may attract the sore eyes of the authority and it may draw legal action on it.

you need to convert agricultural land into residential use before constructing farm houses on land 

Permission to construct many farm houses in a small piece of agricultural land may not be granted even if they are farm houses.

For change of use of agricultural land to residential, one needs to obtain permission  for conversion from agricultural to NA   from appropriate authorities such as the Directorate of Town and Country Planning  .and then construction can be carried on the plot for building house



T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
88125 Answers
2380 Consultations

1. There is no specific set of rules or format that has to be used for converting commercial property into residential, you may approached the authorities concerned with an application in writing  and submit the same. 

2. It depends on your approach and other issues involved in it.

3. You may apply for conversion and then submit an application for approval of construction of villa.

4. You will come to know about it after obtaining approval for construction of villa.

5. You may specify the same in your application for approval about it. 

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
88125 Answers
2380 Consultations

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