I had Arrange marriage May 2011
First 11 odd months we stayed with my Mother and brother at my mother's house
Due to loud behaviour and harrasement by wife to mother , i shifted with my wife to rented house in june 2012
We lived just for 1 month and wife left me july 2012 saying if you want me back ..then sell ur mother's house take our share and get new one for us.
I declined as i dont have right over my mothers property
My mother is widow
I Put RCR in oct 2012 to bring back my wife
In return My wife put DV on me,brother and mother in April 2013
For RCR ...counselling report got negative
In April 2013 i lost d job due to harrasement by wife August 2013 i got job in gulf and shifted to Gulf
In April 2014 i withdraw RCR after 2 odd years as relationship got worsen with wife
Immidiately April 2014 ( last month ) wife put 498A,34,420 on me,mother and brother
Now what shall i do
What shall my mother and brother do
My mother already suffered Heart Fail this Jan...we have medical reports
If i need to return ?
Can i handle 498A from here as m afraid if court detain my passport i may loose the job
I want to file divorce ....my wife will definately challange it ....so no possibility of mutual consent divorce ...
Asked 11 years ago in Family Law
Religion: Hindu
DV case ...i took the summons and attended all hearings before leaving india and two times thenafter.
My wife proposed settlement and case was for counselling...but nothing could settle as my wife played trik by putting condition that she wants dependent visa and wants to work in Gulf......which is not possible.....hearing for interim maintainance amount is in june but m not happy with my lawyer and doubt about his link with my in laws
So i want to change d lawyer.
2 M mainly concern about my mother.
Franky speaking she is fighting with death at d movement and my wife knows that ....and so she is targetting my mother
I shifted her to some other location to avoid Arr.at d movement
Will she needs to receive summons even if for next two years i keep her @ unknown place ?
I know my mother may not live two years ..its a sad fact s m emotional about my mother since i already lost my dad in accident
3 if i come to take bail....will court allow me to return Gulf ......if they detain my passport i will b on road by loosing job
Please guide
Many Thanks
Asked 11 years ago
If RCR withdrawal was uncalled for or it should have replaced by Divorce immidiately!
Thats why I feel uncomfortable with my lawyer.
He misguided me
M CA by profession
One of my friend whos from law background suggest to file petition for dismissal of 498A as its false.
I have proofs to show my wife was not living with me for past two odd years and there is zero communication between my mother and wife for past two years
Also have records to show .....my wife asked family court counsellors and DV for share in my mothers property
Asked 11 years ago
Thanks all for tge advice.
My major concern is
1 what if court detain my passport ?
That clearly means i will b loosing job in this 498A
......so ....what r consequences if i dont return ? my wife knows my office address ...so court will send me summons on office address ..i agree ...but then what next ?
Can they deport me for family matter?
Can they cancell my passport?
To b precise ...I m not in position to loose d job ..my income will get stop and i will b litterally on road..
Whats d solution?
Anyone can advice?
Although from my side m ready for d settlement; m dam sure my wife will never do that....reason ..she is doing this not for money but to harrass me and to bring me on road
Practically she and her family r faaaar richer than me
They r doing this as i declined their offer to become Gharjamai.
Asked 11 years ago