A girl is blackmailing me
I meet a girl few months back on FB. She was new to the city and was looking for a job. She asked me to help her out and I agreed (I am a Recruiter by profession).
She found a job, she called me up, she was happy and she wanted meet up for dinner. First time I went to meet her she told me that she wants to come home with me, I was not very interested in her so I denied and dropped her home at night. Then she started calling me, texting me every day, one fine day she called me up in the morning and told me that she has lost her wallet, cards, passport, room keys everything and she needed my help. I went and meet her and she started crying and all then she told me that she wants to come home with me as she is very upset. She came home with me, stayed at night, I did not even touch her. Next week end again she called me and came to my house, this time she kissed me for the first time and started flirting with me. I don know why but i also started responding to her. After that we started meeting up in week ends for next 3-4 weeks, talking over the phone at night. She came to my house 5-6 times, we kissed, we hugged, touched but we never did intercourse. During this 1 and half months time I realised that this girl has some issue, she is not like any other girl, things were not going good between us and I broke up with her. It was a 1 and half months relationship and we never had intercourse.
After I broke up with her, she started threatning me that if I don marry her she will inform my parents, she will take legal action against me, She will spoil my life.
It's been two months since we broke up but still she will call me everyday and message me, threaten me. My life has already become hell, don't know how to get rid of it. Please help. Do you think she can take any action against me? Legally?
Note: I forgot to mention that she is a divorcee and 4 years older than me.
Asked 11 years ago in Constitutional Law
Thank you so much everyone for your support.I really appreciate.I will keep you updated.
Asked 11 years ago