1) if your husband has filed for divorce you have to contest the divorce proceedings in chennai .
2) if you had been staying in Mumbai or gujrat you could have filed transfer application to transfer the case to mumbai or gujrat .
3) since you dont want to come to india transfer application dosent make sense .
4) in the divorce case filed by your husband you should claim maintenance , alimony , litigation costs and other reliefs .
5) if you had faced dowry harassment you should have filed 498A against your husband .
6) you could also have filed DV case and sought protection order against your husband and in laws . in addition you could have claimed right to stay in matrimonial home or alternative accommodation .
7) if you file case now you would have to come down to india to file complaint , give evidence .
8) best option is to oppose divorce . contested divorce petitions take years to be disposed of .
9) your husband will utlimately arrive at an comprehensive settlement if he wants divorce