1. X has rights for a share out of her father's properties which were intestate at the time of his death.
2. Unregistered partition is not legally valid especially by excluding the rights of the daughters who have equal share in such properties.
3. X has rights over the properties left behind by her deceased father, but she cannot just like occupy any property at her own will and wish, she may have to either inherit her share by a oral partition among her siblings or by a partition suit through court of law.
In fact the daughters of C cannot dispute the properties stating that they were their deceased father's share in the properties, X can dispute the same and can obtain an order of injunction against their claim.
4. She can approach court and obtain an order of injunction against them to restrain them from forcibly evicting her from the properties.
5. She can consult a lawyer in the local and proceed with the suit for injunction.
6. Approach court with a suit for partition and try to recover possession on the basis of her possession and enjoyment by filing an application to restrain them from forcibly evicting her.
7. In the suit for partition, the court will decide about the shares of the parties to the dispute as per law.