If the services availed by your company was for commercial purpose you can file a complaint in the consumer court. However, you can file a claim in the civil court for compensation and damages with adequate credentials.
Hi I would like to the legal rights i can use against Telecom company who is not paying the outstanding of INR 7.5 lakhs against the services availed by my company. We are a travel company . Company director has stopped answering our calls and responding to mails.
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Hi would like to know if consumer court action will be prompt. How long does it take in this process. I want to give legal pressure to this company and directors.
If the services availed by your company was for commercial purpose you can file a complaint in the consumer court. However, you can file a claim in the civil court for compensation and damages with adequate credentials.
You can only pressurize the company and directors once the consumer court "ADMITS" your complaint. Without admission of complaint the case will be dismissed and no process or complaint shall be issued to the opposite parties.
However, you may issue notices for both civil and consumer case. But, also note that they would be aware that consumer complaint cannot be initiated against them, as the case involves commercial transaction which is not allowed under the Act.