1. You may have to appraoch DRT to obtain sty order against the proposed action of taking possession of the premises by bank on the basis of your lease agreement which expires only during Jun-21.
If the lease agreement states that the landlord has to return the lease amount to you on expiration of the agreement period, then you may even make a pleading that since the landlord is missing (copy of the FIR to be enclosed), you cannot vacate the premises until the lease amount paid by you is returned or paid by the bank out of the sale consideration amount.
2. Please note that the bank will not register the property for the purpose of mortgage home loan, but the bank would have registered the memorandum of documents in which the title document would form part of the list of documents of the MOD.
Therefore it is not necessary that the home loan should reflect in the EC against this property.
3. You can remain to reside in the property until the bank is initiating the auction process through court of law.
In the meantime you may seek an injunction against bank to not evict you from the property till your advance / lease agreement is not returned.
Let the court decide about your request/relief.