There are two plaintiffs out of which plaintiff No. 1 dead. There are two defendants out which defendant No. 1 dead. Plaintiff No. 2 is examined in chief as P.W. No. 2 and the matter is posted for his cross examination on 7/4/2021. The case filed in court that it is your husband who forged documents. Only the claim made in the case will be considered what they say out of court is of no consequences. You claim that your Advocate is not attending court proceeding but in previous question status of case is shown as counsel for plaintiff and defendant No. 2 are present. It means that you have separate Advocate and he is not attending. Your Advocate has to first cross examine P.W. No. 2 and after closure of plaintiff side evidence you will have to file affidavit of chief examination and then the stage will come for your cross examination. There is sufficient time for that. You have every right to appear through Advocate in the Court, no one can stop you from that. Contact a good lawyer through your contact in the city where the suit is pending. Ask him to seek further time for cross examination of P.W. No. 2 for the reason that you are out of country. Also instruct your present lawyer that you are engaging new lawyer. Draft a Special Power of Attorney on 100 rupees stamp in U.K. giving power to friend or relative to represent you in the case and appoint the lawyer. Get the SPA attested by High Commissioner in U.K. and send it to the person named. He can file valakat on your behalf and cross examine P.W. No. 2. You can visit India whenever the situation improves and attend the court.