Can a resale sale deed be signed on condition of balance payment
I intend to purchase a resale flat of around 1 crore While I can pay token and get a loan of ant 59/60 Lacs balnce amount will be paide after 1/2 months after sale of one of my old prooerty
I want to take advantage of the discount in stam.fees on registration offered by Maharashtra Govt till 31/03/2021
Is it legally possible in to agreement to sell.and can the seller by mutual consent register a sale date mentioning balance payment and hand over Posession after bal.payment
Is such a sale deed valid both legally and oractically
Asked 4 years ago in Property Law
Religion: Hindu
I refer tobreply by Shri Yusuf ji I agreed I can enter into sale agreement and pay stamp duty atcreduced rate by 31/3)21
But since it is said it doesn't indicate transfer of ownership and the sale deed done subsequently on nominal stam durybwill be valid like anyvreg sale deed done with full stamp duty
Asked 4 years ago