It is not advisable to purchase the agricultural land without getting it converted to NA and also plot conversion by the competent authorities.
The Village panchayat are not competent authorities to sanction approval for NA conversion.
The builder/seller/promoter may tell plenty of things in order to sell the property, but once the property is sold, then you will not find him to sort out the further legal complications that may arise in this regard.
B-khata is just a register maintained by the BBMP to collect taxes from the revenue property holders. B-Khata is not considered as a valid Khata extract.
Form-11 is a document issued by the Gram Panchayat for non-agricultural properties in its jurisdiction as per Karnataka Panchayat Raj (Grama Panchayat Budgeting and Accounting) Rules 2006, Amendment Rules 2013 mentioned under Rule 30.
11b Khata:
The certificate and extract from this register are known as B –Khatha locally. All legal properties will be given Form 9 ('A' khata for properties in panchayat limits), while illegal properties (with inadequate documents) will get Form 11b (also called 'B' khata).
Thus anyone having a B khatha essentially is a non BBMP approved construction. Hence it is not advisable to buy such properties.