• my brothers wife asking for her share

my father is paralytic he has 2 sons got two portions of double bedrooms in 275 sqft.area .both my brothers are married,we are three sisters ,my younger bros wife is now asking for one portions as she thinks her husbands sal. is very less and he cannot look after her,my mother does not want to divide the property right now what should we do .
Asked 10 years ago in Property Law

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1 Answer

Your query details is insufficient, Kindly confirm whether disputed property is self acquired or ancestral property of your father. In case, this property nature is self acquired, she can't claim over it. If it is ancestral property, property right shall be distribute equally between all children and one notional partition goes to your father. Hence, in this case, your small house can't distribute but share shall be calculated on market value of the property. Therefore, you can give some amount to your brother by preparing register family settlement deed or Register Partition Deed.

B.T. Ravi
Advocate, Bangalore
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