• Can anybody claim in self acquired property

My grandfather purchased a property by their own money in 1970. My grandfather have three son and one daughter. One of their son died 1993, after their death all expenses which ever incurred all payable by my grandfather. My grandmother also passed away 4 years ago. Now my grandfather is expire they left a registered will in which mention, they wanted to give all property to their younger son and a little part of same land given to the grandson of older son (who expired in 1993). Now my aunty (Wife of died son) suit a case in court that he was not sound mind that is why he distributed the property in this way.  she is claiming that she want a part in our property. my grandfather is a sound mind. what should we do. could you please advice us.
Asked 10 years ago in Property Law

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1 Answer

Basically, Self Acquired property can transfer or dispose anybody without permission of legal heirs. Normally will validity proved by seeking probate before the court of law. In your instance, your aunty has to prove with respect to unsound mind of your grand father at the time of execution will and If your aunty has any medical proof at the time execution will that will be help to establish her case before court of law.

B.T. Ravi
Advocate, Bangalore
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