Dear Sir,
I am Pratyusha Terli working as junior developer for a software company. While joining them I have signed a bond with my employer. As per that i have t serve till 31st October 2014. In case I want quit in between I have to inform them 2 months prior and in lieu of notice i will have to pay 1 lakh rupees as compensation as they have provided training for me. I have resigned by job on [deleted] stating that i will serve the notice period and my last working day would be [deleted]. But my PM is not accepting my resignation and forcing me to work for 1 year more saying that it would take 1 year for them to find replacement for me. And They have my original educational certificates so I am very worried.Would there be any negative consequences for me for bond breach? Can they hold back my certificates? Please help me in this regard
Asked 10 years ago in Labour
Thank you very much for your response sir.
Asked 10 years ago
Hello sir,
Thank you very much for your response I have sent my resignation to my employer through email. Now as per your suggestion I will send it through register post. Can I ask them for my certificates? It is specified in the bond that my appointment is subject to production of my original certificates so I submitted it to them. Untill they accept my resignation should I continue my work? And they have given me copy of my appointment ltter refusing to give me copy of my emploment bond for my reference what can i do to get xeroxed copy of my employment bond.thank you in advance sir
Asked 10 years ago
Hello sir,
Thank you very much for your response I have sent my resignation to my employer through email. Now as per your suggestion I will send it through register post. Can I ask them for my certificates? It is specified in the bond that my appointment is subject to production of my original certificates so I submitted it to them. Untill they accept my resignation should I continue my work? And they have given me copy of my appointment letter refusing but to give me copy of my emploment bond for my reference what can i do to get xeroxed copy of my employment bond.thank you in advance sir
Asked 10 years ago