• How to Recover Money Lend by my mother after my death?


-> Our Mother Lend some amount of money to our maternal Aunt (who is none other than Our mother's Sister) with out any agreement.
-> Recently Our Mother expired with sudden massive heart stroke.
-> We had no other proofs except Telephonic Conversations of Our mother and our maternal aunt. Our maternal aunt Commits and confirmed as she was received the that lend money from our mother.


Q1. Now the question is Is there any possibility to recover the money from our maternal aunt which was lend by our mother after the death of our mother?
Q2. Is the Telephonic Conversation accepted as an deviance in this case.
Asked 11 years ago in Civil Law

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1 Answer

Yes you can recover by filing a suit. Telephonic conversation is acceptable now under the provisions of Indian evidence act

Avs Satish Kumar
Advocate, Rajahmundry
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