• Subletting property in Bangalore

I have taken a Commercial Building (only ground floor) on two year lease for Rs 10 lakhs. The lease clearly indicates that I can sublet the premises. The same is rented out a person with the owner being the consenting witness. The rental agreement is in place and for obvious reasons, I have not taken advance from the tenant. The tenant paid the rent for 5 months and stopped paying for the past couple of months, giving several reasons each time we approach for the same. Legally what action can I take atleast scare that guy so that he will be regular in his payments?

Thanks in Advance
Asked 10 years ago in Property Law

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1 Answer

First, Kindly check your lease agreement that is there any termination clause regarding two month arrears of rent ? If yes, agreement will be automatically end. In case, your answer even yes or no, send legal notice to tenant and later, file suit for eviction.,

B.T. Ravi
Advocate, Bangalore
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