• Land dispute - Trespassers are not allowing me to get into my land

I purchased a 300sq.ft land in 2001 in a venture as per the layout approved my Hyderabad Urban Development Authority. Now they have designed a new layout and they say the land which i purchased belong to them. I do not have any rights on my land. 
I approached police and also taken filed a case. Some how they managed police and started construction on my plot.
Kindly suggest proper course of action which can be taken to stop them and also i want to construct a house in that plot. so can i get a court order to do my work restricting them to enter into the plot. if so how should i file the case to get a immediate order.
I have verified all my documents with a lawyer which are absolutely legal.
Please Help.
Asked 11 years ago in Civil Law

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1 Answer

Before giving advice we need all documents, link documents, approval plan, latest ec.. etc., If yr your title is clear, we can filed an injunction suit with out of order to get immediate orders along with police aid. Than they should bound by law

Avs Satish Kumar
Advocate, Rajahmundry
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