No there is no issue in future
The property is a residential apartment in Bangalore in residential zone, as per comprehensive development plan 2015. The land was converted from agricultural to industrial in 2004, and on the basis of CDP plan residential zone, the property land is not explicitly converted to residential land by the developer. The property has CC, OC and has all other approvals. My Question is: the developer states that the building is in R-zone, so no explicit approval is needed. Is it correct? Can there be any issues in future if I purchase this property?
Builder ha seven granted OC by muncipal corporation
2) it would mean that building has been constructed as per sanctioned plans
3) you can file RTI application with BBMP as to whether residential building can be constructed on industrial land
1. Since property is classified in "Industrial Zone", permission to develop Residential Building is not allowed in "I" zone and neither the "I" zone property can be classified as "R" zone, in anyway, whatsoever....
2. File Application with the local Revenue or Municipal dept., requesting for all relevant documents of the land. This will actually determine whether the buildings are illegal or legal.
Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal
No that's not correct R zone is declared by municipal corporation of that particular area and for building construction your particular land should get approval from collector that is NA
So now you all apartment members need to apply for NA conversation and get approval on papers in physical it's already there.
The Maharashtra government, with an aim to create more affordable housing in the state, has cleared the conversion of industrial zones into residential and commercial ones.
In fact Comprehensive Development Plan 2015 for Bangalore (CDP Bangalore Master Plan 2015), prepared under the KTCP Act, has various aims to develop the city and to provide accommodation and other things among the following few other aspects:
Thus the developer is right in his opinion that since it is coming under R zone,m there may not be any problem in this regard in future, however it would be advisable that you obtain a proper legal opinion from a local lawyer before venturing into the purchase.
Dear Sir/Madam,
The claim by the developer is not correct and you may confirm the same by way of RTI application.
We suggest you should consult a local lawyer who can examine facts of the case based on the documents and facts.
1. Yes it is correct that there is not specific approval needed because builder already have required documents.
2. No there will no issues in future.