SV laboratories Aurangabad, proprietory company in the name of Mrs Patil has purchased the raw materials from Max Organic Panvel. Mr Patil had promised partnership for me in the company but never made any partnership deed . Max organics was known to me, so I had introduced SV Laboratory. Due batch failure SV Laboratory ran into financial problem hence could not pay Max organics. Then I shifted back to Thane. Max Organics started harassing me by sending goons to my residence since last one year.
With the help of Shiv sene nagar shevak he forcibly made me sign an agreement and collected cheque for 7.0 lacs. Now he had deposied the cheque and cheque got bounced. He has filed 138 case against me and my wife only because wife is a joint account holder. Till date I am not a partner of S V Laboratory and this financial liability of SV Laboratory.
Please advice
Asked 9 years ago in Criminal Law
Religion: Hindu