You need to register your educational institute with the educational authority of the state government and first get recognition.
You can also get affiliated to a recognised university or institute of state or central government.
To start an Educational Institution ( Schools/ Colleges) can be a long, tiring, expensive, and gruesome process in India. There are a number of licenses, permissions, and registrations one needs to take care of before venturing into this domain.
As per the Indian Constitutions and Laws, Private organizations are not allowed to start an Educational Institution in India to ensure that the expediency of education does not happen with a profit-making motive. To serve the same, it has been promulgated by law that schools have to be operated by a society that has been created in accordance with the Societies Act of 1860 or by a trust that has been organized as per the Public Trust Act of individual states. A private entity willing to set up a school in India can also set up a company as prescribed by Section 8 of the Companies Act 2013. All the legislation ensures that an educational institution is set up as a non-profit making body and has been created solely for the purpose of promoting education and knowledge in the sphere of life.
The laws state that the entity willing to open the institution needs to create a society or trust- along with a governing board that has five to six members. The board should have a president, a secretary, and a chairman- who is officially announced.
The following details are regarded as being important as well-
Name of license
- Registration Certificate of Society – Societies Recognition Act, 1860,
- Essentiality Certificate DoE,
- Certificate of Recognition MCD/ DoE,
- Certificate of Upgradation DoE,
- Certificate of Affiliation CBSE,
- Certificate of MCD MCD,
- Affidavit regarding the proper purchase of land and no violation of master plan in the land used,
- MCD/Development Authority of the Concerned State,
- Site Plan of the Building/Sanctioned Building Plan approved by MCD/DDA,
- Building Fitness Certificate MCD,
- Health Certificate MCD,
- Water Testing Report The water board of the concerned state,
- Completion Certificate DDA,
- Duly approved Scheme of Management DoE,
- No Loan Certificate against FD issued by the bank Bank,
- Land Use Permitted Certificate (in case of rented land) Landlord.
Documents to be submitted
Along with the application for EC a fee of Rs. 500/- and a set of documents are to be submitted.
- Memorandum of Association,
- Affidavit regarding the relationship of society members,
- Copy of Reserve Fund for Rs. 2 lakhs from the bank,
- An affidavit from management regarding the proper operation of the school, as per Delhi School Education Rules, 1973,
- Undertaking regarding fees and other charges,
- List of members of society with full particulars,
- Details of land and building,
- Project report of the proposed school,
- Experience of society/members in the field of education,
- Scheme of Management,
- Documents regarding ownership of land allotted to school,
- Auditor’s statement of account(s),
- Staff statement as Performa,
- Rates of fee and other fund charges,
- Enrolment of students.