• Complaint against my wife's father - my father in law

Can I file a complaint against my father in-law as my wife is not ready to take care of my mother and doesn't want to go my home town even on occasions. I live in delhi, and my Father in law also lives in delhi. He continuously supports her dauhter and take her to his home whenever they want without my consent. My wife doesn't agree to my any decisions if that is related to my family, my relatives or my rituals. She always threaten me that she will live in my house (my rented house only) and I have to bear her expenses as it's her right by law. Iam the only son of widow mother who lives in my home town and iam responsible for her take care, and whenever my mother comes here in delhi for may occasion or medical treatment then my wife don't treat her good intentionally to make her disturbe so that she goes back. We have a 9 months old baby also and my wife doesn't let me take any decision related to him also. Her father continuously support her on this behaviour which is impacting my self respect, my dignity and my mental peace. I do not want to lose my wife my son but want my wife to accept my family and want to know if there is any thing can be done to stop my father in law to stop interfaring in my family and if there is any law which states about the rights of a husband and his family.
Also, if there is anything written in law which states that as per HUF a lady has to take care of her husband's mother and needs to participate in his family rituals.
Asked 4 years ago in Family Law
Religion: Hindu

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17 Answers

Its a matter between you and your wife. So you can't file any complaint against your father-in-law. But you can file complaint in the family court against your wife regarding her conduct.

Nikhil Gupta
Advocate, Yamunanagar
146 Answers
1 Consultation

You can file only compaint against you wife and father in law. The police officer will only mediate between each other or tell both parties to compromise only. they can't register FIR on that basis.

Deependra Pati Tiwari
Advocate, Faridabad
16 Answers

In your matrimonial dispute there is no point in chasing others even if they intervene in your affairs. 

So try to make your wife understand the value of marital obligations in marriage and how peace and compromise make wonders in surviving it.

Take her to trip to developer the lost love and affection once again. 

If everything fails even after your repeated attempts then go for mutual divorce which entails though payment of permanent alimony. 

Good luck. 

Devajyoti Barman
Advocate, Kolkata
23394 Answers
525 Consultations

- As per Supreme Court judgement, wife is expected to move in with the relatives of their husbands, follow the rules and customs of their home, and ideally, blend in seamlessly as a new daughter. 

- Further, the court granted divorce to a man on the grounds of “cruelty” after his wife refused to share a home with her in-laws.

- Further,  legally your wife cannot refuse to live with your mother, especially when your mother is an old widow lady , and further as per law , you are also duty bound to provide the maintenance to your mother .

- Further, If wife is not supporting her husband for the enjoyment of life and denying relation, then the husband can get divorce after filing a divorce petition before the court on this ground.

- Delhi High Court granted divorce to a man on the grounds of his in-laws’ frequent interference in his marital life and noted that parents should “draw a line” and let their daughters lead a happy, married life.

- Hence, the wife's fathers interference in your married life is against the law , and can file a complaint against him..

- If he continuing to creating rift between you and your wife, then lodge a complaint against him after mentioning that he is trying to misguide your wife against you. 


You can connect me via kaanoon.com , if needed further suggestion.

Mohammed Shahzad
Advocate, Delhi
14885 Answers
225 Consultations

If wife is refusing to take care of your widowed mother file for divorce on grounds of mental cruelty 


2)you cannot file case against your father in law 

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97791 Answers
7923 Consultations

Law dose not force any one to agree on other terms. It is up to you manage your house affair and wife. If your FIL interferes too much in your life, rebuff him. 

Law is wife who do not respect in laws and forces husband to live separate is cruelty and ground of divorce. And your wife is doing this than you are not responsible to bear her expenses. Stop paying her. Tell her, your father is interfering too much, now let him only bear your expenses. 

This is general law and obligation that daughter in law must take care of in laws. 

Yogendra Singh Rajawat
Advocate, Jaipur
23012 Answers
31 Consultations

I would advise you to go for few sessions of counseling with your wife.

Try making her understand through some counseling. 

Otherwise file section 9RCR 

Rahul Jatain
Advocate, Rohtak
5365 Answers
4 Consultations

Hi, there is no provision in law where we can restrain her father fir being in touch with his daughter...However, your wife cannot restrict you legally for letting your mother stay with you ..If your wife is working she is not entitled to ask for expenses from you ...

Hemant Chaudhary
Advocate, Gurgaon
4631 Answers
67 Consultations

Sir it is Advisable in your case to kindly consult a counselor or a senior family member who can make her understand, 

You can not file a complaint against your Father in Law because of the said reason and there is no forum who would entertain such complaint.


Archit Vasudeva
Advocate, New Delhi
260 Answers
2 Consultations

Dear Sir, 

Though your concern is genuine and real, but it is suggested that it is nothing in law that wife should be compelled to take care of mother. Rather, there is law that if wife does not respect the elders/mother of husband, the husband can seek divorce on the grounds of cruelty. Also, there is no such law against the father in law, rather he may taught lessons in other laws.  

Ganesh Singh
Advocate, New Delhi
6784 Answers
16 Consultations

As per HUF there is no law to compel a woman to take care of her in laws its an moral obligation needs to be taken care. But as per HUF its essential to take care of the liabilities as per HUF obligations

Prashant Nayak
Advocate, Mumbai
33081 Answers
215 Consultations

Your wife has a duty towards you and your family and she cannot ignore you and the child at the expense of her father who lives locally. This behaviour comes under cruelty and desertion. You father in law can be set right. File a criminal complaint against him and state that he threatens you that he will file criminal charges against you through her daughter.

Rahul Mishra
Advocate, Lucknow
14108 Answers
65 Consultations

Please make your mother Applicant befor Maintenance Tribunal and prefer an application under section 5 of the Maintenance and Welfare of Senior Citizens and Parents Act 2007 for direction against yourself, wife to take care of your mother and pay her monthly INR 10,000.00 P M .

You may take restraining orders against your father in law in the same application. 

Ramesh Pandey
Advocate, Mumbai
2541 Answers
8 Consultations

you cannot file complaint against your Father in law. 



Mohammed Mujeeb
Advocate, Hyderabad
19326 Answers
32 Consultations

Not taking care of husband and the matrimonial home including the aged in laws amounts to cruelty.

You cannot take any action against her father who is a third person to this situation.

You can warn your wife about her attitude and ask her to amend herself or to leave the matrimonial home and to return only when she accepts the responsibilities as a dutiful Hindu wife. 


You can inform her father about her rude and irresponsible behavior and ask him to either educate her to behave properly or to take her back, give her treatment and to send only when she becomes alight.

Such drastic actions are required to be taken,.

She may in retaliation, file false criminal complaints, you may have to precautionary measures on that aspect. 

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
87993 Answers
2370 Consultations

1. No you cannot lodge complaint against your father in law for supporting his daughter.

2. You can ask elder of your family to interfere for counselling so that your wife understand your point of view.

3. You should also treat your inlaws same way your wife treating your mother.

Mohit Kapoor
Advocate, Rohtak
10687 Answers
7 Consultations

  1. As per the information mentioned in the present query, makes it clear that your wife is an obligation to take care of your family too as per many judgments of Hon’ble SC.
  2. I would like to apprise you that there is no such law which can force your wife to do what you all good think about the family.
  3. But, yes this can be the ground of divorce if cruelty on you, but again you may not tend for it as you don’t want to lose your wife at all which I also really appreciate.
  4. So, you should have a counseling of yours wife at some good marriage counsellor.

Sanjay Baniwal
Advocate, South Delhi
5477 Answers
13 Consultations

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